Monday 20 October 2014


“For it is said that humans are never satisfied, that you give them one thing and they want something more. And this is said in disparagement, whereas it is one of the greatest talents the species has and one that has made it superior to animals that are satisfied with what they have.”                                     
  - John Steinbeck

Life is like a roller coaster full of ups and downs; but it is an individual's choice to either scream or enjoy the ride. Things may be headed up or headed down but that doesn't mean you live your life with hate in your heart. Pessimism is inherent in human nature. Being a typical pessimist, I used to crib about my life every now and then. While consoling me, my friend told me that sadness and happiness run parallel to each other. When one takes a rest, the other one tends to take up the slack. If we're not sad, we won't be cognizant of the true essence of happiness and vice versa. 

In order to attain contentment, one needs to disapprove of the notion that it is an if/then proposition.

Example : If…I get the job,  if he loves me,  if I stop feeling anxious, if my health gets better (insert your own if )........……only then I'll feel contended.

You can only attain contentment if you look for it within yourself.
Positive thoughts lead to positive emotions. A change in thinking can be a big step up the ladder. Happiness is within our reach, without due thought of how badly life is treating us. One should always look on the bright side of life and be obliged for what they have. Even when I'm having trouble dealing with life and people disappoint me or I let myself down, for whatsoever reason, I make an effort to see all the spaces, places, and people for which or whom I am grateful. Gratitude does not come naturally to people but it is the surest path to happiness and satisfaction.

Contentment is not when everything turns out exactly how we want or plan but a full-hearted, unreserved embrace of life—exactly as it is. You will experience sadness and loss and suffering in life. There is no guarantee or protection against pain. But if you practice gratitude and self-compassion and properly invest in your identity, you will create a default state of happiness that will support all the difficulties and failures along the way; helping you attain contentment.